Needy, controlling and aggressive: How to handle three types of difficult people

What a hot topic. Everyone seems to be handling a difficult person — whether it is a staff member, team colleague, customer or their manager. Or they have a difficult person in their personal lives. Certain types of difficult people affect us more than others. For example: Angry, aggressive, abusive, bullying; Moody, tired, depressed, teary; Uncommitted, unmotivated, […]


How fears can hold you back at work

Fears drive our behaviours and are often the reason for our decisions and actions at work. What do we fear? Lots of things: not being liked conflict not being in control failing — being wrong not knowing, uncertainty being embarrassed losing relationships being ignored or even rejected being criticised changes “There’s nothing to fear but […]

how to be more creative

5 ways to inspire creativity

We all possess the capacity to be creative, but not all of us have the opportunity to work in conducive surroundings, with supportive colleagues and management. Any industry or organisation where strategic planning is called for can be guilty of excluding the really good ideas that bubble up from surprising sources. Creative work environments are […]

How to change your mindset

Can your mindset hold you back in your organisations and teams? Yes, easily… when you fall into the trap of thinking and being stuck. Being stuck is … Being a victim often leads to poor performance and poor relationships at work. Here are typical examples of your mindset thinking patterns when you feel bogged: Things […]