
How to spot givers, takers, and matchers

Adam Grant has a terrific TED Talk about “givers”, “takers” and “matchers” in the workplace. The descriptions are self-evident to some degree: we all know those who really do go out of their way to help others versus those who are much more interested in what others can do for them. The matcher The “matcher”, according to […]

Actions speak louder than words

I often travel to the US, and was interested to receive an email from the chief executive of United Airlines, Oscar Munoz.  His email profusely apologised for the way armed officers forcibly dragged a passenger off one of his company’s planes in Chicago recently. The share price of United Airlines reportedly dropped by $1.4 billion after the […]

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Three wiser monkeys build an anti-bullying culture at work

We continually read about claims from victims of bullying in their workplace, or whistleblowers who report oppressive workplace cultures that condone bullying and discrimination. Bullying alive and unwell Not everyone is sure of what constitutes bullying, sometimes being too quick or slow to label behaviours that ultimately pose health and safety risks, costing companies millions every […]