It is amazing how many things we do every single day without even thinking. So much of our daily lives are on auto-pilot, and despite all the efforts, New Year resolutions and wanting – we so often revert to our previous grooves, both good and bad. But how do we shift from our set ways? […]
When the worst thing happens
What is the worst thing that can happen in the workplace? You get overlooked for a promotion? You work hard for no reward? You miss the submission date of a big tender? These all seem like huge ordeals when we are faced with them, but there are much worse things that can happen. No, the […]
Create a culture of collaboration
An unproductive, stressed team is often fragmented, unmotivated and lacking direction with unhealthy thinking patterns that block effective collaboration. APATHY: No one cares so why should I? LAZY: Not my role! Too hard … BLINDED: Too busy! One of the hardest things a manager has to do is to make members of the team they […]