The bold and the brave: How to speak up against bad culture

It seems speaking up is (finally) getting the traction it deserves. Whether it’s calling out sexist behaviour or airing a systemic wrong that has flourished unchecked for years, plain speaking is definitely having a moment. Julia Banks’ high-profile defection to the federal parliament crossbench a few days ago, and her eloquent speech about bullying in the Liberal ranks in […]


5 strategies for dealing with a manipulative co-worker

Manipulators in everyday life are not necessarily bad people. You might admire or even love a manipulator (they are frequently found in family contexts), but feel tormented by their constant conniving. I’ve dealt with a variety of difficult people over recent weeks, like the needy, controlling and aggressive, or the disrespectful, moody and procrastination-prone, but for many of […]

Needy, controlling and aggressive: How to handle three types of difficult people

What a hot topic. Everyone seems to be handling a difficult person — whether it is a staff member, team colleague, customer or their manager. Or they have a difficult person in their personal lives. Certain types of difficult people affect us more than others. For example: Angry, aggressive, abusive, bullying; Moody, tired, depressed, teary; Uncommitted, unmotivated, […]


How do you confront annoying co-workers?

Have you ever been confronted by a co-worker about your annoying behaviour? Are you considered an annoying co-worker? Do you change your ways? A recent survey of 2,000 American workers showed that when asked “Have you ever been aware that you’re annoying a co-worker, but done it anyway?”, an astounding 24% said ‘yes’. These people were most likely to […]

Actions speak louder than words

I often travel to the US, and was interested to receive an email from the chief executive of United Airlines, Oscar Munoz.  His email profusely apologised for the way armed officers forcibly dragged a passenger off one of his company’s planes in Chicago recently. The share price of United Airlines reportedly dropped by $1.4 billion after the […]