Turn anger into good energy

You are churning inside – no-one realises how angry you are You’ve exploded in a team meeting and everyone’s ducking for cover You’ve just received a bad email and instantly responded back with rage Being angry or caught between two very angry people is debilitating. To be angry is human, but being constantly angry or repressing […]

5 tips for negotiating

The need for negotiation arises usually because of differing viewpoints and values. There is contention in the air; one person wants ‘x’ and the other is insisting on ‘b’. Often there is a third party somewhere in the middle, wringing hands, trying to get combatants to see reason. Legal disciplines such as mediation and arbitration […]

How good are you as a trainer?

Some company and bureaucracy inductions are dreadful; if you’ve experienced one, you’ll wonder just where their training dollar actually goes. The whole purpose of training is to impart viable knowledge and understanding so that people gradually take the reins and assist company progress, while acquiring valuable skills as they go. Model communicators – or are […]