
5 ways to improve decision-making

Decision-making can be stressful. Not making decisions or making the wrong ones can be even more stressful. What’s the difference between gung-ho and decisive? One is about diving in enthusiastically, often unthinkingly, the other takes into account the relevant factors before making a move. Gung-ho people are very definite about what they like and what […]


How fears can hold you back at work

Fears drive our behaviours and are often the reason for our decisions and actions at work. What do we fear? Lots of things: not being liked conflict not being in control failing — being wrong not knowing, uncertainty being embarrassed losing relationships being ignored or even rejected being criticised changes “There’s nothing to fear but […]

how to be more creative

5 ways to inspire creativity

We all possess the capacity to be creative, but not all of us have the opportunity to work in conducive surroundings, with supportive colleagues and management. Any industry or organisation where strategic planning is called for can be guilty of excluding the really good ideas that bubble up from surprising sources. Creative work environments are […]


5 ways to make time work for you

Time, as we are periodically aware, is elastic, intangible and very much in the eye of the beholder. Some people habitually waste time, others schedule their days and weeks with relative ease.  You might find you do both, depending on the nature of the task or the person requesting your involvement. When under pressure, there […]


10 ways technology is hurting our bodies and minds

Obsession with devices leaves us tangled and in pain! Tech neck. Mouse shoulder. Gamer’s thumb. Computer vision. Smartphone zombies – Smombies. For millennia, human beings walked upright and were attuned to their environments. Today an increasing number have heads down, necks bent, marching across busy streets, wearing earbuds, checking media, sending messages and paying no heed as […]