Committees will fail, unless …

Historically minded readers may recall the infamous Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution. Public safety was an oxymoron in those bloody and paranoid years, and this so-called committee not surprisingly imploded, with several betraying others, and most ending up on the guillotine. Moving forward a good 200 years, what have we learned about […]

Think before you rant

Corporate psychopaths are always in the news, and with the advent of social media and online forums, some employees have been getting their revenge.  A bad boss can be named and shamed in seconds, and while our defamation and libel laws are catching up with the new terrain, lots of people are getting away with […]

When ‘helpful’ is anything but

We are all familiar with dealing with utilities and services that purport to ‘value’ calls but then keep customers in a queue for long periods. To cap it off, businesses then have the gall to ask what people think of their ‘service’.? Many complaints, if not handled well, will escalate to a new problem. Whether […]

What do you work for?

A few weeks ago I wrote an article that outlined the various motivators for people at work. I love the world of motivation, because there can be such a huge gap between what we do and what we want to do. That missing link is motivation and understanding it provides a great starting point for lasting behaviour […]