6 ways to give your career a surge

Are you stuck for ways to power your career into surge mode? Pretend your company/industry is a patient experiencing mid-life crisis, and they’ve come in to consult with Dr You. You’ve listened to their gripes about stagnating interests and prospects and you figure there are definitely possibilities for this client. Now imagine Dr You is advising […]

There’s a world of difference between being obsessive or just plain pedantic

“I’m obsessed”, “we’re obsessed” – don’t you get tired of the way this expression of a genuine condition has been relegated to faddish interests for the perennially attention-challenged? People tend to trivialise obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) on the grounds that they “neurotically” check their inboxes or their Facebook “liked” status, or perhaps see a black […]

Factors that breed innovation

Isn’t it refreshing when a company not only professes to value innovative employees, but has instigated practices that demonstrate that they actually do? Alastair Mant pointed out years ago in his book Intelligent Leadership that workplace cultures of innovation are less common than we would think. However, thanks in part to the proliferation of dotcoms and a […]