Don’t be so biased!

Bias is usually a generalisation based on limited experiences or examples, and at work it can close us down to new experiences with people. We don’t always perceive bias. Sometimes it’s in ourselves or it may be lurking in the person right near you. It may be: an assumption voiced as fact an irrational or […]

The excitement of an aha! moment

There’s a lot written about the “aha” moment; that superlative situation when – ping – the figurative light bulb appears above a person’s head and – bang – an invention or brilliant idea apparently materialises. The anxiety of being stuck It’s the backwards-looking-forward moment. You are stuck in a bog of your own making, perhaps, […]

Why is everyone behaving badly?

Some business owners and managers are constantly disappointed by the negative attitudes of some of their team members. Many service staff get frustrated by their angry or moody customers. The first place to look when those we deal with are not delivering the right attitudes is within ourselves. The reciprocity urge There is a basic law […]

Which animal are you at work?

Some British scientists recently released a study showing how sheepdogs successfully herd sheep.  It’s simple: apparently sheepdogs dart around from behind, notice if there’s any strays from the clump, chase them into a cohesive whole and then drive the flock towards the preferred destination. The study actually forms the basis for an algorithm to be designed […]