Tips for time-trapped working parents

When I read that Madonna supposedly has 15-minute appointment blocks in her schedule for one-on-one time with each child for singing, homework, cooking, it sounded crazy to me. But how many parents have mobiles grafted to their ears, even navigating vehicles, slipping out of meetings with clients … getting through the day managing their offspring? […]

Is your workplace humble or arrogant?

Do you work with someone with an inflated ego? A friend told me recently how her barrister friend was preening over a recent victory. She told told him that he is conceited. He replied: “Really? People have told me I’m arrogant, not conceited.” She went straight back to the dictionary; her hairsplitting friend was correct. “Conceit” is […]

Tips to speak more powerfully

“Communicate” originally meant “sharing”, “imparting” “to make common” in Latin. We all learn to speak, to converse, even to exchange information in our earliest years, but these days, in the workplace, communication signifies something much more. Top talkers – what’s their secret? A good “communicator” imparts information and meaning in a skilful, crafted form. Highly regarded […]