Whose poor performance – Pao or Kleiner?

On Friday, a former Silicon Valley junior investing partner, Ellen Pao, lost a sex discrimination case against her employer Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byer. She’d taken Kleiner to court alleging a culture of endemic misogynistic behaviour.  During her time there, despite her credentials, she was not promoted as promised and was expected to conform to behaviour […]

What are you worth?

Decades after the first rumblings of women’s discontent, the built-in bias against equal pay remains real and endemic. Some people speciously assert that women are paid less because they don’t believe they’re worth more – maybe so, in a few cases. I can honestly say that what you’re “worth” when you run your own business […]

7 ways to deal with horrible bosses

We spend our working hours narrowly observing our managers, no wonder their very positive and especially negative points stand out so vividly! Who liked the movie Horrible Bosses? Who fantasises about the things you could do with a trussed-up superior at your mercy? Particularly if you are enduring miseries at their hands? I get told about the […]

Gender inequality traps to avoid at work

Gender inequality behaviours continue to flourish in the workplace. A great recent piece by Facebook honcho Sheryl Sandberg and academic Adam Grant in the New York Times (‘Madame CEO, get me a coffee?’) reminded me how much. Face it, Sheryl and Adam said, women do far more office “housework” than do men. The “housework” is the sometimes unseen […]