How to defy our racist brains

Some people seem wired to stick within their own tribe, select ‘like’ types to work with and socialise with, and may even dislike ‘outsiders’ or feel threatened by them. Maybe they fear change. Yet, we live in such a diverse world it’s critical we develop an open caring approach to diversity. It takes education and […]

The magnificent seven aspects of integrity

Lots of media oxygen has been given to cheating, perceived conflict of interest and let’s say ‘entitlementality’. Our daily news thrives on showcasing unscrupulous behaviour, and invariably it’s almost the same stories, just new faces. Baddies and dark angels will always generate attention and often a morbid fascination. Less tantalising, but far more necessary for […]

Looking through the eyes of others

These days many businesses are judged by their websites and their social media. But what about those organisations that offer face-to-face services, retail or offices? We can get distracted by the day-to-day needs of our business and sometimes the housekeeping and image are not at the top of the priority list. Yet it just takes […]

So you don’t like your boss anymore – how to survive and thrive in a toxic environment

Hating the boss is as old as capitalism. Toxic pharaohs and dastardly generals have been around for centuries, and historically, people had novel if morally dubious ways of dealing with the problem.  Bad bosses fail to recognise there are limits to their authority, and they don’t grasp the notion of responsibly exercising that authority. Despite the […]

Harder, faster, longer – worse?

The pressure to work harder to succeed has created a culture for many that is difficult to sustain. What’s more, being connected and on tap longer may be causing our personal wellbeing and family life to suffer. Super-achieving goals and habits may actually be undermining your performance. When is it healthy and when is it counterproductive […]