There’s no excuse for unprofessional venting on Facebook

There’s no excuse for unprofessional venting on Facebook

Dominic Knight’s critique of LinkedIn’s idiosyncrasies a few weeks ago draws attention to people’s increasing use of LinkedIn as a ‘work version’ of Facebook. Ironically, some are also using Facebook to discuss their business dealings and partnerships. In a recent example, one person’s Facebook post about the break up of his business relationship immediately triggered the other […]

How to develop grit to succeed

There are articles bubbling everywhere on the importance of developing true grit. This is because an American academic Angela Duckworth has been busy publishing and speaking on her research that effort-PLUS matters more in achieving success than talent or intelligence. In a sense, there’s little new about grit: Thomas Edison affirmed well over a century […]

Intimidation and bullying – the impact and the remedies

A construction company manager/owner was recently fined $12,500 for appalling bullying and allowing his staff to harass and physically and psychologically abuse a 16-year-old apprentice. The apprentice has suffered emotional trauma and has ongoing anxiety, depression and nightmares. The abuse reportedly included holding hot drill-bits to his skin, scraping sandpaper over his face, making him […]